California Alliance of Family Owned Businesses Urges NO on SB 1167

SB 1167 would prohibit a chain restaurant from serving or offering for sale a beverage in a single-use drinking vessel to a customer who is dining or consuming the beverage on the premises. Oppose SB 1167 and instead:

  • Let SB 54 Work: SB 54 is designed to address single-use waste comprehensively. We must give it time to be fully implemented and show results before burdening restaurants with new regulations like SB 1167.
  • Avoid Regulatory Overlap: Implementing SB 1167 now overlaps with ongoing SB 54 efforts, creating confusion and unnecessary costs for businesses. Support a coordinated approach to environmental regulation.
  • Protect Small Business: New rules under SB 1167 could impose severe operational and financial burdens on restaurants already struggling to recover from the rising costs of doing business. Let's support our local businesses by giving existing laws a chance to succeed.
  • Pursue Economic and Environmental Prudence: Rushing new legislation without assessing the effectiveness of current programs risks economic harm and potential environmental inefficiency. Oppose SB 1167 and advocate for a rational legislative timeline.

Let the system that was negotiated between business interests, the environmental community and the chairman (under SB 54) be given time to work before adding new requirements that impact a limited segment of the restaurant community.

Vote NO on SB 1167

Send an email to Senator Allen

Senator Allen,

I urge you to vote NO on SB 1167 in the Senate Environmental Quality Committee.

California has made great strides in recent years in finding solutions to address single-use waste and adopt more environmentally sound, sustainable business practices, such as SB 54.

But SB 1167 takes us in the wrong direction, burdening businesses with costly new mandates and a confusing regulatory scheme before SB 54 has even had a chance to be fully implemented.

Small businesses should have a chance to prove they can work towards sustainable environmental and recycling goals under existing law before adding on burdensome and economically harmful legislation.

Vote NO on SB 1167.